

每个毕业生都将 领取6张分配门票 to the 2024 毕业典礼 ceremony in Sturrus and can request additional tickets. This year there will not be an alternate viewing area in 2024 because there are enough 斯图鲁斯的客人门票.

For those who cannot attend in persoon, a professional livestream video of graduation 将提供. 直播视频将是封闭字幕. 它也将可用 仪式结束后就上了 十大赌博正规平台在线的YouTube频道 随时观看.





How can those unable to attend the commencement ceremony watch the ceremony?

所有直播视频的链接都可以在我们的网站上找到 liverstream页面. Following the ceremony, a livestream recording will be available on the 十大赌博正规平台在线的YouTube频道 随时观看.



你可以找到 点击这里了解更多关于GradFest的信息.

如果你 cannot attend GradFest and still need to pick up your tickets, please get in 与学生事务处联络,安排取票事宜.

想要你的徽章,请联系十大赌博登录官网书店 aquinas@bkstr.com or 616-632-2962.

To pick up honor cords, stop by the Registrar's Office between 8 a.m. 还有5p.m., 周一到周四,或者早上8点.m. 到下午4:30.m. 在周五.  注册办公室 在赫鲁比·霍尔的地下室30号套房.


Who do I contact if I have questions about commencement activities?

请将您的问题电邮至 commencement@shadleysoapstone.com.



What are the health and safety protocols for the commencement ceremony?

The College will follow recommendations from medical, public health, government, and higher education experts, particularly those from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the State of Michigan, and the Kent County Health Department (KCHD).

密歇根州Covid - 19指南




如果你是 approved for graduation, you should have received an emailed copy of your 填妥的学位候选申请表. 学生应该使用申请表 学位,以核实所有剩余的毕业要求. 如果你提交了 Application for Degree to the Registrar’s Office and have not received an approval ,请与毕业审核员联系.



Your degree title is either Bachelor of 艺术, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of 工商管理学. 你的学位头衔与你的主修专业相关. For example, if a student is a History 主要 (primary 主要), they will earn a Bachelor 文学学士(学位). 如果一个学生是双学位,他们必须选择他们的小学 主要. For example, if a student is double 主要ing in History (BA) and Psychology (BS), they need to choose if they want the Bachelor of 艺术 (BA) or the Bachelor of 科学(BS)是他们的学位名称. 双学位的学生会赚钱 只有一度. 他们必须选择其中之一. 第一学位选择将是 印在毕业证书上,在毕业典礼上被点名. 这两个专业都将在 成绩单. For additional questions, please get in touch with the Graduation 审计师.



十大赌博正规平台在线 awards honor cords to undergraduate students based on their most recently 完成整个学期的累积GPA.

Several departments and organizations offer additonal honor cords and stoles.



What if I need to order a final transcript for graduate 学校 or employment?

A final transcript will be mailed to the student along with their diploma. 如果你 need an official copy of your transcript sent elsewhere, you can go to www.getmytranscript.com. We work with the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcripts promptly 有效地. 如果你需要你的成绩单来反映你的毕业,请在 在订购成绩单时选择“保留学位”. 如果你有关于 transcripts and transcript orders, please get in touch with the Records Specialist or 点击这里阅读更多.



文凭是 mailed to the home address on the student’s Application 申请学位. 文凭 will be mailed out 3-6 weeks after final grades are posted. 24 /春天最后 5月17日,教师将成绩交给注册办公室.



The 名字 printed on your diploma corresponds to what you listed on your Application 申请学位. 你的文凭是一份法律文件,必须反映你的法律 名字. To change how you would like your 名字 printed on your diploma, contact the 尽快毕业审核员,避免印刷错误. 如果你最近改变了 your 名字, you must provide legal documentation to 毕业审核员 (i.e., a 驾驶执照副本).



如果你 need to be moved to the following graduation period, please get in touch with 毕业审核员.



Your diploma will only be released if your account has a zero balance.  如果你是 不确定你的余额,检查一下 自助服务 或致电(616)632-2864与学生账户联系.  一旦你的余额支付,学生 Accounts will inform 毕业审核员 and your diploma will be released.


Why does the Registrar’s Office need a copy of my high 学校 transcript?

To maintain our accreditation and follow Federal Compliance standards, 十大赌博正规平台在线 must have a final, official copy of all graduate’s high 学校 transcripts.  成绩单 was often sent during the 招生 process while you were still enrolled in high 学校. It was noted on your Application 申请学位 that we do not have 给你存档的最终成绩单.  你的毕业证书要到 成绩单已收到.




When participating in the Baccalaureate Mass, wearing your commencement gown and cord(s) 是至关重要的. 兜帽和帽子只能在毕业典礼上佩戴. 



When participating in the commencement ceremony, wearing the gown, hood, cord/s, stole (如果你选择的话),帽子是必要的. 看我们的 视频 如何正确佩戴毕业典礼礼服.

We ask that 毕业生 not wear spiked/high heels since they are a tripping hazard on the grated ramp to the graduation stage, and they may cause damage to Coach Bo 法院.


我应该什么时候去参加毕业弥撒呢? 我该去哪里?

Graduates should arrive at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew at 9:30 a.m. 有停车位 in the Cathedral parking lot or the Catholic Information Center parking lot.




我应该什么时候到我的毕业典礼? 我在哪里办理登机手续?

毕业生将在阿尔克尼斯办理入学手续. 阿尔克斯尼斯的西入口,从这里进入 梅菲尔德地段(地段4号)将于下午12:30开放登记.m. 5月11日星期六. 毕业生必须在下午1:30到达.m.



At check-in inside Alksnis, 毕业生 will receive a card with their 名字 printed. 请不要丢失或在这张卡上写字. 请随身携带这张卡 get a chance, as it will be required to have your 名字 read as you cross the stage. Graduates will be lined up alphabetically by the degree of Associate, Bachelor, and 阿尔克斯尼斯轨道上的大师. 他们将被列队带出阿尔克尼斯 the Mayfield lot and around Sturrus’ front entry, where they will continue to process 进入波教练的体育馆.



Graduates will process from the west side of Alksnis through the Mayfield Lot and 到斯图鲁斯运动健身中心. 会有教职员工围起警戒线, board of trustees, and cabinet members for the students to process through at the 斯图鲁斯的正门入口. 目前,游行不会进行直播.



活动开始前,学院会留意天气. 在…的情况下 inclement weather, any changes to commencement activities will be communicated to 毕业生.



请看上面这一页 毕业典礼上停车.



Printed and digital programs will be available for 毕业生 and guests at the ceremony. 



Graduates will not receive their diplomas at the commencement ceremony. 文凭是 mailed to the graduate’s home address 3-6 weeks after final grades are due.






Full details about registering for professional photography are on the 毕业典礼摄影页面.



是的,会有几个可供选择的观赏地点. 在GradFest上,每个毕业生 可以申请最多四张备用座位票吗. 进入我们需要一张票 备选观看地点.



A recording of the commencement ceremony live stream will be available on the 十大赌博正规平台在线的YouTube频道 跟踪事件,随时观看.